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Join Us for L’Chaim Learning on a virtual panel discussion with Mark Zaurov from Germany!

Topic: What is it like to be Jewish?

Panel Description: Being Jewish is complicated. There are many overlapping layers including spirituality, religion, race, antisemitism, and intersectionalities.  

Moderator/Lecturer: Mark Zaurov
Panelists: Kelby Brick, Rav Ellen Roth, Roxanne Baker

Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST | 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm PST

Fee: Members – Free / Non-Member $20

Where: Online- Zoom

Mark Zaurov: Deaf Historian, CDI Interpreter, and Scholar. His studies in Ph.D. research are about Deaf Jews as a transnational and hybrid community from the 19th to 20th century at the University of Hamburg/Germany. For his work, he got fellowships from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) for Yad Vashem. Currently, he is president of the non-profit Association of Deaf people with Jewish heritage in Germany (IGJAD). A nationally certified Deaf interpreter, he is the former president of the first worldwide professional association of Deaf sign language interpreters (tgsd). His milestone publications are 1. “Deaf Jews – a double cultural minority” (2003) and 2. “‘Deaf Holocaust. In: Mark Zaurov & K-B. Günther (Eds.), Overcoming the past, Determining its Consequences and Finding Solutions for the Present. A contribution to Deaf Studies and Sign Language Education. Proceedings of the 6th Deaf History International Conference July 31 – August 04, 2006, at the Humboldt University, Berlin.

Kelby Brick: Kelby Brick is the former Director of Jewish Life & Learning at the Washington Society of Jewish Deaf. Kelby has led numerous high holiday and life cycle services. He has spent extensive time focusing on translating prayers into ASL and making Judaism accessible to Deaf people. He is currently Director of the Maryland Governor’s Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

Rav Ellen Roth: Rav Ellen Roth, ordained in 2010, is a marriage officiant known nationwide, a certified deaf interpreter and translator [private practice writing services], avid alpine skiing, and is crazy about french toy poodles and small cats. Her diet incorporates veganism and yoga in daily practices.

Roxanne Baker: Actress, Advocate, and Educator. A Maine native & graduate of Governor Baxter School of the Deaf then Gallaudet University.  Employed as ASL /Deaf studies Instructor for 25+ years.  As an actress/storyteller, her latest projects are “ My Hands Remember” which was based and inspired on the first-hand account of a Deaf Jewish woman’s escape from the horrors of Nazi Germany, and “ The Promised Hands: Coming home to Jewish roots” is based on her experiences growing up as the only Jewish student at her alma mater. She enjoys being the mother of her precious sons and a bubba too.